Content Delivery Stories

Diana Varma

Diana Varma Contract Lecturer, Graphic Communications Management Course: GCM 230 – Typography Strategy: Podcasting Diana Varma knew that Zoom fatigue and an abundance of assigned readings in many courses would tire her students. So she decided to build on her existing original podcast (Talk Paper Scissors) and create audio episodes in lieu of formal lectures […]

Assessments Content Delivery Stories

David Naylor

Dr. David Naylor Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Course: MEC 516 – Fluid Mechanics I Strategy: Building libraries of test questions and video demonstrations David Naylor didn’t want his students to fall behind in the remote classroom. So, instead of depending on a midterm and exam to test students’ knowledge, he and his colleagues […]

Communication and Engagement Content Delivery Stories

Steven Gedeon

Dr. Steven Gedeon Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy Courses: ENT 78AB Advanced Entrepreneurship and ENT 401 Design Thinking Strategy: Turning class content into a video series Steve Gedeon spent his summer producing a video series from home for his students, complete with theme music and graphics. He created his videos based on modules so he […]

Activities Communication and Engagement Content Delivery Stories

Jenn McArthur

Jenn McArthur Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Science Course: ASC 522 – Project Economics Strategy: Interspersing content delivery with “brain reset questions” There’s only so much our brains can take in before we need a break or change in focus. In Jenn McArthur’s classes, she uses “brain reset questions” to stimulate discussion and break up content […]

Content Delivery Stories

Louis-Etienne Dubois

Dr. Louis-Etienne Dubois Assistant Professor, School of Creative Industries Courses: CRI 700 – Human Resources in the Creative Industries; CRI 840 – Experience Innovation; CRI 800 – Managing in the Creative Industries Strategy: Slow Teaching Amidst the flurry of frantic redesign and crash courses in using educational technology at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Louis-Etienne wondered […]

Assessments Content Delivery Stories

Dana Osborne

Dr. Dana Osborne Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Course: ANT 100: Introduction to Anthropology Strategy: Applying an Open Educational Resource (OER) to an organic learning experience At the core of Dana’s introductory Anthropology course is the study of human connection. Teaching in a remote environment forced her to rethink how her students could […]

Communication and Engagement Content Delivery Stories

Michael Dick

Michael Dick Contract Lecturer, School of Professional Communication Course: CMN279 – Introduction to Professional Communication Strategy: Synchronous Q&A sessions Even though the course Michael Dick teaches was online before the pandemic, there were still significant adjustments needed to respond to his students’ needs. Introduction to Professional Communication is delivered through a simulation platform, where students […]

Activities Content Delivery Stories

Medhat Shehata

Dr. Medhat Shehata Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Course: CVL 533 – Concrete Materials Strategy: Lab video demonstrations With much of the learning traditionally occurring in labs within his department, Medhat Shehata had to find a creative solution to mimic the in person experience in a remote environment. However, instead of applying a perfect solution, he deliberately […]

Communication and Engagement Content Delivery Stories

Damien Lee

Dr. Damien Lee Assistant Professor, School of Sociology Courses: SOC 427 – Indigenous Perspectives on Canada; SOC 540 – Special Topics in Indigenous Studies Strategies: Discussion board feedback videos. In person, Damien’s classes focused on exchanging ideas through discussion. His challenge when transitioning to remote delivery was how to keep the conversation alive and, at the same […]

Activities Content Delivery Stories

Ian Young

Ian Young Assistant Professor, School of Occupational and Public Health Course: POH 103 – Data Management Strategy: Custom video tutorials As part of the Blended Learning Lab, Ian developed two weeks of asynchronous modules using a combination of video tutorials from LinkedIn Learning and practice files to teach students the fundamentals of using Microsoft Excel […]