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Learning & Teaching Grant: Children’s Thinking and Learning Pressbook
View full story: Learning & Teaching Grant: Children’s Thinking and Learning PressbookKathleen Peets, Associate Professor Course: CLD 307 – Children’s Thinking and Learning Strategy: Open Educational Resources (OER), inclusive teaching practices When…
Academic Assistants Awards: Ali A. Nazari
View full story: Academic Assistants Awards: Ali A. NazariAli A. Nazari Course: MEC709: Control Systems Program: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering A dedicated graduate teaching assistant, Ali finds great…
Bryan Koivisto
View full story: Bryan KoivistoBryan Koivisto introduced Rye Sci Match in 2014. The non-credit course was created for Science students to explore career paths…
Diana Varma
View full story: Diana VarmaDiana Varma knew that Zoom fatigue and an abundance of assigned readings in many courses would tire her students. So…
David Naylor
View full story: David NaylorDavid Naylor didn’t want his students to fall behind in the remote classroom. So, instead of depending on a midterm…
Steve Gedeon
View full story: Steve GedeonSteve Gedeon spent his summer producing a video series from home for his students, complete with theme music and graphics.…
Jenn McArthur
View full story: Jenn McArthurThere’s only so much our brains can take in before we need a break or change in focus. In Jenn…
Louis-Etienne Dubois
View full story: Louis-Etienne DuboisAmidst the flurry of frantic redesign and crash courses in using educational technology at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Dana Osborne
View full story: Dana OsborneAt the core of Dana’s introductory Anthropology course is the study of human connection. Teaching in a remote environment forced…
Michael Dick
View full story: Michael DickMichael and the teaching team recognized that the need for students to have contact with each other and with faculty…
Medhat Shehata
View full story: Medhat ShehataMedhat arranged to record virtual lab sessions at TMU that included missteps and less-than ideal procedures…
Damien Lee
View full story: Damien LeeIn person, Damien’s classes focused on exchanging ideas through discussion. His challenge when transitioning to remote delivery was how to…
Ian Young
View full story: Ian YoungAs part of the Blended Learning Lab, Ian developed two weeks of asynchronous modules using a combination of video tutorials…
Noel George
View full story: Noel GeorgeIt took multiple strategies to make General Chemistry 1 work for 800 first-year students attending classes remotely. First, Noel George…